My Story Widget


Hey, I'm Hassan. I'm a Serial Entrepreneur focused in Digital Marketing & E-Commerce.

When I was 15 years old, I used to get a lot of my electronics & product at wholesale from China. I sold a few of that same stuff at a markup to other people. This caught my attention & made me realize that I could buy, resell products, and make a profit.

While learning the art of the flip, I realized that every time I sold an item, I would get this high that made me feel amazing. June 2016, I realized that school wasn't for me and that my passion is to sell products, build brands, & eventually become a retail icon.

On June 21st, 2016, I started my first E-Commerce business selling apparel & accessories in a niche no one else was tapping, K-Pop. This was my way of getting into this game and learning fast. Come September 2017, I successfully sold the business for a profit of $40,000.

The website is still online ( - owned & operated by a new owner.

Over the last 2 years, I've been testing industries and learning what I'm passionate about & where the focus is for the long term.

Portfolio -


General E-Commerce Stores - This is always my base for the micro-brands I've built. Digitally having the ability to launch an online store without any upfront costs, having the ability to launch products and test the markets at ease. Till this day, the 'General Store' concept still plays a big role in my E-Commerce career. The 'General Store' is meant to help you narrow down to a Niche store or Micro-brand for branding, scale. and retention. (2016-2017) (EXITED) -Passionate audience merchandise store. Built and scaled to 6-figures in 1 year. Successfully sold the business for $40,000.

Modernist Metal (2018-2023) (EXITED) - In 2018, I jumped into a highly untapped market which was personalized metal art. I saw a hole in the e-commerce market which was offering a new way of décor to the market in a theme of personalization. Consumers like to personalize things... it brings a higher perceived value and passion in your eyes. It creates that 'wow factor' that many product simply don't bring. My first month selling this product I did $300,000 in sales. The next month after that i did $1.2 Million in sales. This was a huge win for me. It really taught me how to differentiate myself from the rising competition in the industry and has made me very intrigued on consumer psychology. Since the massive spike in sales, I've focused on building a brand (re-branded a few times resulting in the final 'Modernist Metal') and a team that shares the same vision.

My biggest lessons -

1) It's not easy. If it was easy, then everyone would become an Entrepreneur.
2) Don't try to build 10 businesses before mastering 1. Focus on what you are passionate about and go ALL in.
3) Identify what you ARE good at and what you're NOT good at. Focus on what YOU'RE good at & hire for what you're NOT good at.
4) It's a high-risk lifestyle. Nothing good comes without risks.